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Your Personal GenAI Innovation Curriculum

  • Bill Schmarzo 

I have written many blog posts discussing using Generative AI (GenAI) tools such as OpenAI ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot, and Google Gemini to improve professional efficiency and personal development. However, we must transition beyond using these GenAI tools only for productivity improvements to using these GenAI tools to fuel innovation.  To facilitate this transition, we need to address some critical questions:

  • How can individuals use these GenAI tools to shift from productivity to an innovation mindset?
  • What skills and techniques are required to make this transition?
  • How can I leverage “Your Own Digital Assistant” (YODA) to aid professional development and drive personal growth?

I have combined my separate blogs into a comprehensive GenAI Innovation curriculum. This curriculum is available to anyone who wants to master GenAI tools in transitioning from mere productivity to fostering innovation to power their professional efficiency and personal growth (Figure 1).


Figure 1: Phases of GenAI Business Model Maturity

GenAI Curriculum Study Materials

The following curriculum is designed for students and professionals who want to enhance their skills in using GenAI tools to advance their professional and personal development. Through the content provided in this curriculum, participants will gain insight into the principles of innovation-driven GenAI prompts and develop critical thinking abilities necessary for determining the most effective ways to utilize the information generated by these tools. Additionally, the curriculum delves into the wider societal impacts of AI, emphasizing the importance of aligning AI systems with human values and ethical standards.

Blog TitleRelevance to GenAI Innovation-Driven Prompt Strategy
The Dean Meets Socrates: Mastering the Art of QuestioningThis blog lays the foundation for effective prompt engineering by teaching the art of questioning. The ability to ask the right questions is crucial for generating precise and innovative AI prompts that drive meaningful outcomes. This skill is essential for developing prompts that can adapt to complex scenarios and produce high-quality AI responses.
– Learn to craft precise and relevant AI prompts that drive innovation.
– Develop a questioning mindset to extract deeper insights from AI models.
– Enhance problem-solving skills by mastering strategic inquiry techniques.
GenAI Maturity: From Productivity To EffectivenessAs GenAI tools evolve, moving from productivity to effectiveness requires a strategic understanding of how to craft prompts that not only automate tasks but also generate insights and solutions that are both creative and impactful. This blog guides users through this maturation process, helping them to harness GenAI for more sophisticated and value-driven purposes.
– Understand the stages of GenAI maturity from basic productivity to advanced effectiveness.
-Learn to design prompts that drive strategic business and operational decisions.
Gain skills in leveraging AI for creative problem-solving and innovation.
Nine Categories of Innovation-Driven Prompt EngineeringThis blog offers a deep dive into the various dimensions of prompt engineering, categorizing innovative approaches that can be applied to different contexts. Understanding these categories empowers practitioners to craft more nuanced and effective prompts, enabling AI to deliver results that are accurate, innovative, and aligned with specific strategic goals.
– Explore diverse strategies to enhance prompt engineering skills.
– Learn to apply innovative prompt categories to different use cases and domains.
– Improve the ability to align AI outcomes with specific organizational goals
Critical Thinking and Becoming Students of Data ScienceCritical thinking is a cornerstone of data science and AI development. This blog encourages the development of this skill, which is crucial for scrutinizing AI outputs, refining prompts, and ensuring that the AI’s responses are both relevant and insightful. It is vital for those who aim to push the boundaries of what GenAI can achieve.
– Strengthen critical thinking skills to analyze better and interpret AI results.
– Learn methods to refine and iterate on prompts to enhance AI effectiveness.
– Foster a mindset that continually questions and challenges AI outputs.
AI and Justice in a Brave New World: Part 1Understanding the ethical implications of AI is essential for developing prompts that are effective and responsible. This blog discusses how AI can be structured to enforce laws and regulations fairly, offering insights into how prompts can be designed to reflect ethical considerations and human values, which is critical in sensitive applications.
– Gain insights into structuring AI prompts to reflect ethical and fair outcomes.
– Understand the importance of aligning AI systems with societal values and regulations.
– Learn to navigate ethical dilemmas in AI applications
AI Utility Function Exercise: Part 1The AI Utility Function is key in ensuring that AI systems operate according to predefined goals and values. This blog introduces how to design utility functions that guide AI decision-making. Mastering this concept allows prompt engineers to create prompts that align with specific objectives, ensuring that AI outputs are both purposeful and aligned with desired outcomes.
– Learn to design AI utility functions that drive desired outcomes.
– Gain a framework for aligning prompts with specific strategic objectives.
– Understand how to balance multiple objectives in AI decision-making
AI Dividend Universal Basic Income and Economic Multiplier EffectThis blog explores AI’s broader economic and societal impacts, emphasizing the importance of designing AI systems that contribute to societal well-being. For prompt engineers, it underscores the need to consider the long-term implications of AI prompts, ensuring that the technology benefits society as a whole, not just specific stakeholders.
– Understand the long-term economic and societal impacts of AI-driven decisions.
– Learn to create prompts that contribute to societal well-being and equitable growth.
– Gain insights into the potential economic multipliers of AI in various sectors

GenAI Curriculum Learning Pathways

This is a lot of content to consume. Welcome back to school!

So, to accommodate users with varying degrees of experience, let’s divide the curriculum into beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. These pathways will include practical homework and checkpoints that help users assess their mastery before proceeding to the next level.

Beginner Level: Foundational Understanding of GenAI and Prompt Engineering

The objective is to introduce learners to Generative AI (GenAI) basics, prompt engineering, and critical thinking in data science.  The key focus areas include:

  • Understanding the basic concepts of GenAI.
  • Learning how to craft effective prompts.
  • Developing critical thinking and questioning skills.

Here are the recommended blogs and homework for the Beginner level:

After studying these three blogs, you should be able to:

  • Ask the right questions to improve AI interaction.
  • Understand the importance of prompt specificity and context.
  • Comfortable with basic familiarity with AI tools and their potential applications.

Intermediate Level: Applying GenAI Tools for Innovation and Problem-Solving

The objective is to deepen the understanding of GenAI’s capabilities and apply advanced prompt engineering techniques for practical, innovative solutions. Key focus areas include:

  • Moving from simple tasks to more complex problem-solving.
  • Leveraging AI for business optimization and strategic decision-making.
  • Designing prompts that align with specific goals and ethical standards.

Here are the recommended blogs and homework for the Intermediate level:

  • Nine Categories of Innovation-Driven Prompt Engineering
    • Homework: Explore different categories of prompt engineering and create prompts for diverse contexts (e.g., marketing, operations). Test different prompting strategies and approaches to see which works best.
  • AI and Justice in a Brave New World: Part 1
    • Homework: Ask YODA to identify case studies of organizations using GenAI for ethical decision-making. Practice designing and executing prompts that ensure GenAI aligns with human values and regulatory standards.

After studying these blogs, you should be able to:

  • Craft nuanced GenAI conversations (narratives) that drive innovative outcomes.
  • Incorporate ethical considerations into GenAI prompts.

Advanced Level: Mastering Strategic AI Deployment and Societal Impact

The objective is to master using GenAI to drive strategic innovation and societal impact, integrating complex concepts such as AI utility functions, economic impacts, and cultural empowerment.  The key focus areas include:

  • Strategic deployment of AI in organizational and societal contexts.
  • Advanced utility function design and economic impact analysis.
  • Leveraging AI for cultural empowerment and large-scale transformation.

Here are the recommended blogs and learning activities for the Advanced level:

After studying these blogs, you should be able to:

  • Master creating GenAI prompts for complex and high-impact applications.
  • Explain how an AI Utility Function drives more relevant, responsible, and ethical outcomes.
  • Balance economic, ethical, and societal goals in GenAI-driven decision-making.
  • Lead GenAI-driven innovation initiatives within organizations.

These learning pathways provide a structured approach to mastering GenAI tools, from foundational knowledge to advanced strategic applications. Each level builds on the previous one, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience supporting personal and professional growth.

GenAI Curriculum Summary


The GenAI Innovation-Driven Prompt Engineering curriculum is essential for anyone who wants to become proficient in using GenAI tools for personal and professional growth. This curriculum provides learners with the technical skills and ethical understanding to develop innovative and socially responsible AI solutions. The curriculum prepares participants to fully utilize GenAI’s capabilities and achieve significant, positive results in an ever-changing environment by emphasizing critical thinking, strategic questioning, and aligning AI with human values.

Final homework: Play and learn; you won’t break anything.

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