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Top Three Online Data Science Courses for 2020

Businesses generate data from different sources such as text files, multimedia forms, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, social media, and, mobile. Data is being used in various domains such as marketing, social media, healthcare, automation, sales, predictive analysis, etc.

However, the simple Business Intelligence (BI) tools cannot process the humongous data. The advanced analytical tools and algorithms for processing and analyzing can help to draw actionable insights out of it.


Data scientists play a crucial role here. Data scientists can analyze data over time, identify patterns, and help businesses to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, find new market opportunities, and gain a competitive edge in the industry.

Let’s understand what data science is and how to learn the data science course online.

Data Science

Data science involves the collection and study of data (structured and unstructured) to derive insights and is the fastest-growing tech field at the moment.

Data science helps to make predictions and decisions. It uses predictive analytics, prescriptive analytics, and machine learning.

How to Become a Data Scientist

As more businesses and governments are adopting big data systems, the demand for data science is growing. There is a nationwide shortage of 152,000 professionals with data science skills, states Workforce report, LinkedIn. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) forecasts that there will be a 30% growth in the data science field in the decade preceding 2026.

Although data science is one of the promising fields today, breaking into the industry is challenging. Learning data science is best recommended to prepare oneself for the changing business scenario.

Many universities have developed successful initiatives for data science training. There are various online data science courses available that helps to get well-versed in data science without going back to school. Yes, most of the courses are online and self-paced, so that your regular professional work will not get hindered.

Get introduced to some of the popular data science courses here.

Popular Data Science Courses Online

Statistics and Data Science – Massachusetts Institute of Technology

This Micro Master’s program comprises of five online courses with a proctored exam. This program will make you an effective data science practitioner who can add value to the organization.

The course will enable you to:

  • learn basic knowledge to understand the tools and methods used in data science
  • hand-on training in data analysis and machine learning
  • learn probability and statistics fundamentals
  • implement data analysis techniques and machine learning algorithms

Professional Certificate in Data Science – Harvard University

This data science program comprises nine online courses and provides you with the necessary knowledge and useful skills to tackle data analysis challenges in the real world.

This course will enable you to:

  • learn probability, inference, regression, and machine learning
  • develop skills in R programming, data wrangling, and data visualization
  • file organization, version control, and document preparation

Professional Data Certification in Python – IBM

The data science program consists of five courses and enables you to learn Python, the most popular language for Data Science.

This course will enable you to:

  • develop skills for data analysis and visualization
  • get introduced to practical machine learning
  • apply and demonstrate data science and machine learning with a Capstone Project

Apart from these three popular courses, you can also choose courses from Udacity, Udemy, Coursera, Data Quest, and more. Further, you can advance your learning by opting for the best data science certifications.

Data Science is vast, interesting, new, and rewarding. Learn data science. Crack the course that is best suitable for your industry.

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