Blockchain technology is new and has been around for only about a decade, it has earned widespread popularity across the globe. Off late, blockchain has been accepted across industry sectors as a disruptive technology that helps better business processes. Initially found as a technology to keep digital monetary transactions safe and tamper-proof, the technology has evolved tremendously in the last five years to grow as a disruptive technology that is now being utilized across multiple business domains.
Blockchain Expands to Fill Business Niches
Various governmental and business sectors in the current day and age are leveraging blockchain technology to process monetary transactions to keep digital transactions safe and secure. A few such sectors comprise utility, healthcare, manufacturing, and advertising, among many others. Further, the blockchain industry has extended its help in facilitating other business functions apart from transaction processing, which comprises recording claims concerning health insurance and tracking shipping orders.
Top 5 Blockchain Certifications for Industry Aspirants
#1. Blockchain: Foundations and Use Cases – By Coursera
The said certification program in blockchain tech is well suited to both kinds of industry aspirants – developers & non-developers. Apart from walking you through the fundamentals of disruptive technology, the program will teach you about the philosophy associated with the concept of decentralization which eventually became the USP of blockchain getting popular worldwide.
In the initial three modules, you will be made to learn about the fundamentals of the said technology. In the fourth module, the program will take you beyond bitcoins and will dig deeper into the next-gen blockchain network, known by the name ‘Ethereum’, to make you understand modern-day blockchains and their industry applications.
#2. Business Blockchain Professional (BBP™ ) by CBCA (Central Blockchain Council of America)
Business Blockchain Professional (BBP™ )by CBCA is a comprehensively designed credentialing program in blockchain that covers all concepts, applications, principles, and uses of blockchain technology. Moreover, it’s a job-oriented certification program that helps develop vital industry-relevant skills in the aspirants preparing to face their first job interview in the highly competitive job market. While going through the curriculum of the said certification program, the candidates will learn the contemporary blockchain strategies that are being adopted by the top firms leveraging disruptive tech.
#3. Blockchain Security Training Course by Grey Campus
It’s a highly technical certification program in blockchain that demands the registrants to have adequate knowledge in programming and coding for both back and front-end applications. The program will let you learn about designing and testing blockchain apps. You will learn to create Smart Contracts and will get introduced to composer modeling language. Cryptocurrencies are something this credentialing program focuses on; hence, you will learn a lot about Hyperledger, Ethereum, & bitcoin operating systems.
#4. Certified Blockchain Engineer (CBE) by CBCA (Central Blockchain Council of America)
It’s offered by the globally-recognized credentialing body CBCA (Central Blockchain Council of America), bringing in a great brand reputation and industry relevancy. CBE offers blockchain knowledge concerning the development of cryptocurrency and applications besides teaching you the complexities of the current blockchain principles, concepts, technologies, and applications.
The sheer fact can estimate the value-quotient associated with the said certification program that a CBE-credentialed individual can create applications across various platforms, including Stratis, IOTA, Lisk, Hydrachain, OpenChain, Hyperledger, and Ethereum.
#5. Certified Enterprise Blockchain Professional (CEBP) – by 101 Blockchains
The said certification program offers you learning at self-pace and is specifically designed to walk you through all major aspects of blockchain tech and how they affect key business processes. You will learn about catering effectively to enterprise needs related to the adoption and application of blockchain tech. Knowledge will be offered to the registrants regarding the strategic approaches leveraged by large firms regarding blockchain adoption in contemporary times.