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The Ultimate R Cheat Sheet – Major Upgrade

The Ultimate R Cheat Sheet simply put makes it easy to learn R. The Ultimate R Cheat Sheet saves you time by providing hyperlinks to the documentation and package-level cheat sheets for the most important packages in R. The latest update doubles its ultimateness by providing a second page that includes Special Topics:

  • Time Series, Forecasting, and Financial Analysis

  • Network Analysis and Natural Language Processing

  • Geospatial Analysis

  • Machine Learning and Deep Learning

  • Speed and Scale, Interoperability, and Miscellaneous Topics


About The Ultimate R Cheat Sheet

The Ultimate R Cheat Sheet links to every document you need by including visuals for where each package fits in the process.

About The Upgrade – Special Topics (Page 2)

We’ve now added a second sheet that includes special topics.

Learn R for Business With The Ultimate R Cheat Sheet

Learn tools that will advance your career while generating business value for your organization.
  • Learn by following the Ultimate R Cheat Sheet
  • Follow a clear-cut path from data import to business reporting
  • Learn dplyr and tidyr for cleaning and wrangling data
  • Learn ggplot2 for visualization
  • Learn rmarkdown for business reporting
  • Learn 2 modeling techniques: regression and clustering

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