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DSC Weekly 15 Nov 2022 – The Dynamics of Ranked Voting

  • Kurt Cagle 

A Ranked Choice Voting system takes a different approach. In a Ranked Choice, candidates from any party (or no party) can stand for election. Voters rank their preferences, and the top three candidates then go onto a second election, where the top vote receiver wins the election. A referendum passed in this latest election cycle makes Nevada a Ranked Choice state, joining Alaska and Maine. Significantly, these states all have had a history of independent candidates.

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How to Win an Election Using Big Data

  • Bill Schmarzo 

Before World War II, less than 20% of voters classified themselves as independents.  Today that number is greater than 45%.As politics fails to appeal to more Americans, politicians will need to embrace a different approach to appeal to those important independent “swing” voters who will decide our political leaders.

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