The discipline of data annotation and labeling is growing in popularity and significance throughout the world. The global market for data annotation tools is expected to ...
Java is the #1 programming language for Big Data, Analytics, DevOps, and AI. It is consistently the first choice for developers working with data. The platform-independen...
We have noticed how the industrial revolution transformed the shape of our modernized world. We got big industries, endowed the computer, and made significant progress in...
Chief Data Officers (CDO) and Chief Data Analytics Officers (CDAO) are under intense pressure to find ways to “monetize” their growing volumes of data. While some org...
In today’s data-driven reality, data warehouses are becoming increasingly crucial for companies in all sectors. Yet despite the hours and cash poured into them, some 8...
Manufacturing Line, Wikimedia Commons, 2014 Fakery certainly isn’t limited to news and social media. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) e...
Do you have your Enterprise’s data privacy under control? Do you know what datasets are sensitive and who has access? Many companies are behind on privacy and regulator...
A textbook definition of data lake describes it as a vault for storing humongous amounts of data. This data does not have to be necessarily structured; one can store all ...
Are you considering moving your big data workloads from on-premises to Amazon EMR? Do you already have workloads on EMR but are looking to optimize performance and costs?...
I got this question in a recent webinar: Is the marginal cost of reusing the data really zero, especially given how organizations are making duplicate copies of the same ...