When it comes to protecting your computer, you can do a few basic things. First, create separate user accounts for work and personal data. Make sure to back up your data ...
If you are employed as a data scientist and have survived (or strived!) in your position for more than a year, chances are you are at least a good data scientist. This is...
Introduction In recent years technology has become prominent, both at work and at home. Machine learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are evolving quickly today....
During the 1990s, the physics community began to measure the brightness of certain supernovae in a novel way. This new method supported the conclusion Edwin Hubble had fi...
In my first blog of the series “Fallacy of Becoming Data-driven – Part 1: Becoming Value-obsessed”, I preached about the critical importance of reframing the conver...
Data has become a huge area of business, helping businesses to drive their intelligence, make better decisions, and formulate strategic plans for future growth. ...
While data compliance is the practice of organizations ensuring that all sensitive data is managed and organized in a way that enables them to meet their business rules a...
Globally, many think that data scientist is the best job after Harvard declared it to be one of the hottest jobs of the decade. And since then, many have been choos...
I’m sure we all remember the story of “The Little Engine That Could.” A little railroad engine was built for pulling a few cars on and off the switches. When more p...
Recent advances in machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are helping enterprises across industries quickly move from their use cases from th...