Guest blog post by Dmitry Petrov. Originally posted here. There is a feature I really like in Apache Spark. Spark can process data out of memory in my local machine e...
By Greta Roberts When beginning a new predictive analytics project, the client often mentions the importance of a “quick win”. It makes sense to think about deliver...
Machines are invented to solve problems and make life easier. It is widely accepted that common sense is a sense which is not so common 🙂 So, don’t you think t...
This post is a summary of 3 different posts about outlier detection methods. One of the challenges in data analysis in general and predictive modeling in particular is ...
Today we are featuring the year’s most interesting breakthroughs in deep learning that we have been fawning over at Grakn Labs. (For those of you who are interested in ...
This blog was originally published on my website. If you have ever competed in a Kaggle competition, you are probably familiar with the use of combining different predi...
Casting in java: introduction This tutorial deals with casting in java . If you don’t know how to use java variables, please check our corresponding java variables t...
We live in the era of data. Its almost inevitable now that we need to delegate our knowledge and understanding of the world to computers who can model this behaviour on a...
Some of the rarely shared trade secrets in machine learning: Original post: on linkedin 1. Bootstrap sampling & the magic number 0.63 Even though randomly sampled...
A few days ago I found out that there had appeared lda2vec (by Chris Moody) – a hybrid algorithm combining best ideas from well-known LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) ...