Guest blog post by Gaurav Agrawal, COO at Soothsayer Analytics. In today’s world of big data and the internet of things, it is common for a business to find itself si...
Actually I’ve known about MXnet for weeks as one of the most popular library / packages in Kaggler, but just recently I heard bug fix has been almost done and some ...
One of the most important tasks in Machine Learning are the Classification tasks (a.k.a. supervised machine learning). Classification is used to make an accurate predicti...
Regression is the first technique you’ll learn in most analytics books. It is a very useful and simple form of supervised learning used to predict a quantitative respon...
During the last few years, the hottest word on everyone’s lip has been “productivity.” In the rapidly evolving Internet world, getting something done fast always ge...
Debunking Common Business Intelligence Myths Myth # 3: Business Users Do Not Need Ad-Hoc Data Analysis If your business is confused about the tools in the business intell...
This Tutorial talks about basics of Linear regression by discussing in depth about the concept of Linearity and Which type of linearity is desirable. What is the meaning...
When I first got a Fitbit, it was amazing. My daily dashboard, focusing mostly on a 10,000-step target, was incredibly motivating. Was I hitting the target? Answer: somet...
Andrej Karpathy’s post “The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks” made splashes last year. The basic premise is that you can create a recurrent n...
Apart from fighting web spam, credit card fraud and many more curious applications, machine learning is being widely used in the field of art to generate stuff. We collec...