Ggplot2 is the most elegant and aesthetically pleasing graphics framework available in R. It has a nicely planned structure to it. This tutorial focusses on exposing this...
In this Blog 3 – We will see what is Apache Spark’s History and Unified Platform for Big Data, and like to have quick read on blog 1 and blog 2. Spark was initiall...
Currently, many of us are overwhelmed with mighty power of Deep Learning. We start to forget about humble graphical models. CRF is not so trendy as LSTM, but it is rob...
In this blog, I will be considering theory developments from changes in methodology. But first I want to express an opinion on the significance of using numbers. A “...
Shame on YouGov! Did their survey really miss the outcome of the Brexit consultation? Not quite. If you hit your finger while hammering a nail into the wall, do not blame...
This article is contributed by Atiq Rehman. Introduction What if you’re not an Excel expert? This is your guide. It was initially intended for SEO people, though many w...
I teach AP Statistics in China at an International school and I believe it’s important to not only show my students how to do plots and inferential statistics on th...
Everyone’s talking of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the impact it’s started to make even on day to day lives. Yet, more than anything, it’s also becoming increas...
Relax: Automation isn’t coming for your job By Justin Tenuto For the past few years, the drumbeat of think pieces about automation taking your job–yes,your job�...
These days, customer experience, data and brand strategy are gaining a lot of importance in marketing. Both the customer experience and data analysis play a bigger role a...