Relax: Automation isn’t coming for your job By Justin Tenuto For the past few years, the drumbeat of think pieces about automation taking your job–yes,your job�...
These days, customer experience, data and brand strategy are gaining a lot of importance in marketing. Both the customer experience and data analysis play a bigger role a...
Even today there seems to be considerable debate over the exact meaning of “stress.” During my graduate studies, I pointed out that there are similar themes i...
Originally posted here, where you can see all the graphics. There has been much in the news lately about the next wave of MT technology driven by a technology called de...
The FlyElephant team is happy to announce the release of the platform FlyElephant 2.0, with following updates: internal expert community, collaboration on projects, pub...
Overview There are huge numbers of variants of deep architectures as it’s a fast developing field and so it helps to mention other leading algorithms. The list is inten...
Many of us have to handle web based projects that are used in production, which provide various services to the public. When dealing with such projects, it is important t...
While Deep Learning has shown itself to be very powerful in applications, the underlying theory and mathematics behind it remains obscure and vague. Deep Learning works, ...
Probability and physics are helping make even roulette seem ultimately predictable. The Perfect Bet: How Science and Math Are Taking the Luck Out of Gambling, is a new bo...
This is one of the many benefits of being a DSC member. As a member, you have full access to the following documents: Detailed data set for our article 400 Categorized J...