Over the decades, oil and gas companies have built their core skills in many areas such as engineering innovation, project execution, process management, risk management ...
In my blogs, I often distinguish between event data and metrics. I usually say something to the effect that events help to explain the metrics – or events “prov...
There is no need to get confused with multiple linear regression, generalized linear model or general linear methods. The general linear model or multivariate regression ...
Your recent vocabulary may include “100-year event” (happening more often), (drainage system designed for) “10-year storm,” and so on, courtesy mainstream media a...
The format is very similar to a BIG cheat sheet. This cookbook integrates a variety of topics in probability theory and statistics. It is based on literature and in-class...
Ok, so you read a bunch of stuff on how to do Neural Networks and how many layers or nodes you should add, and etc… But when you start to implement the actual Neura...
Introduction to R Programming Language R is an intense dialect utilized broadly for information investigation and measurable registering. It was created in the mid 90s. ...
This article has been updated, and now includes two new sections at the bottom (sections 4 and 5), featuring interesting results, more accurate approximations, and nice m...
At first I liked tinkering with computers and learn computer programming languages, after graduating high school I started to develop the concept of work on data processi...
I periodically use charts containing a crosswave “differential spectrum” or “event horizon.” In this blog, I will explain the nature of the spectrum and the rel...