In the previous post, “Why Ontologies“, we explored concepts at a very high level about what an ontology is, and how they can be used in AI, NLP, data integr...
Linear Model better known as linear regression is one of the most common and flexible analysis framework to identify relationship between two or more variables. The widel...
Here are just a few featured listings in our new section: Boot Camp – Springboard Consultant – Mike Allen Data Sets – DataBake View all listings here...
Guest post by Ronald van Loon The Internet of Things (IoT) is changing our world. This may seem like a bold statement, but consider the impact this revolutiona...
In this post, we consider different approaches for time series modeling. The forecasting approaches using linear models, ARIMA alpgorithm, XGBoost machine learning algori...
It isn’t too unusual for surveys to contain open-ended questions: respondents would be free to enter their comments in any manner. More on an operational basis, not...
The Internet of Things (IoT) is changing our world. This may seem like a bold statement, but consider the impact this revolutionary technology has already had on communic...
In short, an ontology is the specification of a conceptualization. What does that mean from the perspective of the information sciences? Wikipedia’s definition: ...
Posted with permission from author: Vaisagh Viswanathan Chatbot frameworks, toolkits and the rest make it easy to build bots these days. And everyone seems to building so...
Only Homo sapiens, of all the descendants of Homo erectus, survived on earth whereas other species such as homo soloensis, homo denisova, Homo neanderthalensis, Homo fl...