The age of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is almost upon us. Rapid developments in machine learning have allowed us to build better, smarter machines that are capable of ma...
Enterprises are learning fast about the relevance and use of AI and Cognitive Computing platforms. Before adopting AI and Cognitive Computing platforms, enterprises must ...
Guest blog post by David Enríquez Arriano. For more information or to get higher pictures resolution, contact the author (see contact information at the bottom of this a...
In the last post, we talked about how to estimate the coefficients or weights of linear regression. We estimated weights which give the minimum error. Essentially it is a...
This problem appeared as an assignment in the online coursera course Convolution Neural Networks by Prof Andrew Ng, ( The description of the problem ...
Remember the ASA statement on p-values from last year? The profession is getting together today and tomorrow (Oct. 11/12, 2017) for a “big think” on the problem. Jo...
I came across a jaw-dropping article from the Brookings think tank two weeks ago. The column noted that “household employment data reported by the Bureau of Labor...
The level in this article is for college students familiar with calculus, This material will be also of interest to college professors looking for new material to teach, ...
“Missile approaching, Every one run for cover”. People sending final goodbye messages to their loved ones. Family members huddling and praying together. Mother clingi...
Today I’ve just faced one challenge… I work on one project, and we need to decide which assets from this company will be visited initially. As every project, ...