At NIPS 2016, there was an unprecedented story building up. Something that got every AI enthusiast agog about an unknown AI startup ‘Rocket AI’. The names associated ...
Spark’s primary abstraction is a distributed collection of items called a Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD). It is a fault-tolerant collection of elements which allow...
Natural language processing (NLP) is getting very popular today, which became especially noticeable in the background of the deep learning development. NLP is a field of ...
The age of technology is way past its nascent stage and has grown exponentially during the last decade. In my role, travelling to events and meeting with thought leaders ...
What is the mixed reality? We have heard about virtual reality and augmented reality. As the name suggests, the mixed reality is something that has features of both augme...
Summary: Our recent series of articles on AI strategies shows the options available for the strategic direction of your AI-first company. Here are some thoughts on mo...
New article by Bill Vorhies. Summary: There is a great hue and cry about the danger of bias in our predictive models when applied to high significance events like who g...
In this blog I will go a bit more in detail about the K-means method and explain how we can calculate the distance between centroid and data points to form a cluster. Con...
Here, I’ve used the famous Iris Flower dataset to show the clustering in Power BI using R. I’ve used the K-means clustering method to show the different spec...
Here is a guest blog from MIT SMR by Sam Ransbotham. Organizations that turn data into insights are gaining competitive advantage through improved connections with consu...