Bootstrap aggregating (bagging), is a very useful averaging method to improve accuracy and avoids overfitting, in modeling the time series. It also helps stability so tha...
My business success is very important to me and, while I have many management responsibilities, I really try to focus on the people we hire. They are the heart and soul o...
NeoML, launched by ABBYY, the digital intelligence company is an open-source library ideal to build, train, and deploy machine learning (ML) models. The open-source libra...
In this article, we discuss how 5G technologies could empower the next generation enterprise AI applications. What does it mean to develop carrier grade applications? Car...
I’ve just written a new paper entitled: “Quantum d-separation and quantum belief propagation”. Here is the abstract: The goal of this paper is to genera...
What is the world’s leading secret management platform? There is no definite answer to this question. Different enterprises have different needs and preferences. The be...
Graphs are a great tool to appeal to a wide audience, They are often used to deliberately mislead, not inform, A few creative ways graphs have been used this year to dist...
Quantum computing has long been discussed on various platforms and forums as the successor of High-Performance Computing (HPC). Although it is still relatively incipient ...
The constant evolution of technology has benefited every single industry on the face of Earth much more than you and I could imagine. This holds especially true for the f...
With over 62 Million viewers, ‘The Queen’s Gambit’ is currently the #1 show on Netflix. The popularity of the miniseries based on Walter Tevis’s novel has eve...