SMEs contribute significantly to the field of trade, employment as well as productivity. The potential of an SME remains buried if digital technologies are not utilized s...
Limitations on physical interactions throughout the world have reshaped our lives and habits. And while the pandemic has been disrupting the majority of industries, e-co...
In these uncertain and unprecedented times due to the COVID-19 outbreak, more and more businesses are witnessing a slow-down in their operations. However, the constructio...
Last week, I saw a nice presentation on Probabilistic Programming from a student in Iran (link below). I am interested in this subject for my teaching at the #universi...
What is Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI)? Attempts to find a bullet-proof definition have not produced result: it seems like the term is slightly ahe...
“E-commerce industries have originated from technology, and any innovation that knocks here solely belongs to technology.” The retail sector has gone through tremendo...
The importance of web development trends in everyday life Technology is rapidly evolving in today’s world, and if you want to take full advantage of its potential, ...
Figure 1: Unleashing the Value of Technology Roadmap In part 1 of the blog series “Unleashing the Business Value of Technology Part 1: Framing the Cha…”, I intr...
At my AI course in the University of Oxford, we are exploring the use of PyTorch for the first time. One of the best libraries to get started with PyTorch is The...
What is an on-demand app? This notion relates to the on-demand or “access” economy – the activity of providing easy and fast availability of goods and s...