My job has the great advantage of bringing me in touch with some outstanding and truly brilliant people. As an example, last year I spoke at the PrecisionAg Vision Conf...
Data scientists and chief data officers are definitely the scorching use lately, and government organizations at all stages are performing for getting extra away from the...
Robotics has been and still is an enormous fascination for us humans. Even when we did not have computers, we were fascinated with Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein becau...
Let’s be honest, today “big data” is sort of a dirty word in the public consciousness. It is associated closely with profit maximization techniques (such as recomme...
This is our second post of a new series featuring articles published long ago. We manually selected articles that were most popular or overlooked, time-insensitive (for i...
Today I would like to share some of the elements I covered as part of the Data Science for Internet of Things courseat the Department of Continued Education of the Uni...
This tutorial is full of useful links, references, and comments. It is organized as follows: Content Why Python? Step 1: Learning the basics Books Step 2: Basic stats and...
This article comes from Coursera Blog. The Data Buzz series brings you a regular roundup of what’s trending in data science. As data-driven technologies are more and mo...
Why Python? Python is a multipurpose programming language and widely used for Data Science, which is termed as the sexiest job of this century. Data Scientist mine thru t...
Is everyone a ‘data scientist’? What about ‘data engineers’ and the junior versus senior, or skill level distinctions? We do seem to need some agreement about tit...