I have done a lot of writing recently about these many referents and the Agile 2 Academy, with whom I am currently working. I’ve stressed the importance of attaining ...
Blockchain is a method for storing data that makes it harder to hack the system. The business blockchain is a distributed, encrypted database that its authorized users ca...
Banks and financial institutions offer great value and convenience to their end users. However, they are notorious for being susceptible to fraudulent attacks such as cr...
The role of technology in accounting is rapidly changing the face of this field in many ways. From chatbots to actively handling the management accountants, from facing t...
Despite the negativity surrounding social media lately, it’s still an incredibly powerful tool that can be used for good, and any social media strategy should consider ...
With the increasing use of technology in the workplace, employers and employees face a new ethical dilemma. The adoption of new technologies has recently accelerated beca...
As an application domain for IoT, smart cities initially showed promise but have struggled over the last decade. However, Smart islands (instead of smart cities) may be g...
The world is watching the war Russia is waging against the Ukrainians. Most of it applauds how the Ukrainians adapt to a rapidly evolving environment and occasionally pre...