Deep learning guru, NYU professor, and chief AI scientist at Meta Yann LeCun has been bullish about neural nets for years now. But in March 2023, his position became more...
Digital twins analytics has been applied in a variety of contexts. Today, digital twins are gaining in popularity for various complex projects. In this article, we ex...
ChatGPT continues to revolutionize the way financial conversations are conducted, by providing its users with a fast and reliable tool for decision-making. The synergy be...
There is no denying that Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing the business landscape in almost every industry. With the advent of new possible applications and the ...
Most of us agree that search is broken. It has not changed much in terms of user experience over the last two decades. To make matters worse, due to the SEO/ad driven foc...
FAIR Data Forecast interview with Todd Carter “Most video assets are hugely underperforming,” Todd Carter, CTO of Resolute Square, said in our Personal Knowledge Grap...
Smile, you are being watched. Over the past few years, facial recognition technology has captivated the world with its awe and apprehension. Everyone in the tech world kn...
Blockchain is a revolutionary technology, which is promising businesses in reducing risk and maintaining data transparency, privacy, and security. Blockchain has several ...
In today’s technological world, data is everything. It can inform our marketing decisions, improve product creation, boost internal processes, and more. For an online b...
During the past decade, the publishing industry has undergone significant transformations due to the development of digital platforms and the widespread availability of u...