Background Biometrics is defined as the science of establishing the identity of an individual based on physical, chemical or behavioural attributes of the person. We see ...
The format is very similar to a BIG cheat sheet. This cookbook integrates a variety of topics in probability theory and statistics. It is based on literature and in-class...
Below is an extract from a 36-page report entitled “Technology and Innovation for the Future of Production: Accelerating Value Creation”, available for free h...
I am so blessed with smart friends, and I am fortunate to count John Morley among that group. John recently introduced me to Stanford’s Design School ( To say...
Book Description AI and Deep Learning are transforming the way we understand software, making computers more intelligent than we could even imagine just a decade ago. Dee...
Internet of Things (IoT) has generated a ton of excitement and furious activity. However, I sense some discomfort and even dread in the IoT ecosystem about the future –...
Or of any celestial body. Here I discuss a solution that can be explained to high school students, to get them interested in mathematics, statistics and probabilities. A ...
Predictive Analytics can be very helpful: algorithms can help retailers decide what quantities of items to order, detect instances of financial fraud or help allocate...
Today Trump met with leaders of pharmaceutical companies, to discuss “astronomical” drug prices and reduce regulations, so that drug companies can still make hefty p...
This is part of a new series of articles: once or twice a month, we post previous articles that were very popular when first published. These articles are at least 6 mont...