For some organizations the title might not be too meaningful, but it is meant to emphasize a conceptual point. The managers in an organization do the managing. They d...
TensorFlow 1.x Deep Learning Cookbook By Antonio Gulli, Amita Kapoor Take the next step in implementing various common and not-so-common neural networks with Tensorflow 1...
Guest blog post by Zied HY. Zied is Senior Data Scientist at Capgemini Consulting. He is specialized in building predictive models utilizing both traditional statistic...
A poll released recently showed Python increasing its lead over R as the language of choice for analytics professionals. Setting aside questions of the representativene...
This post came out of the inspiration I got after I read Rafael Knuth’s Learning Sabbatical. I read part 1 of his sabbatical too and I felt compelled to put my expe...
Previously, we saw how unsupervised learning actually has built-in supervision, albeit hidden from the user. In this post we will see how supervised and unsupervised lear...
Agile vriksasana pose in front of a Waterfall You are standing on a moss covered rock a short distance from a high waterfall that pours into a deep pond befor...
Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) is a wide umbrella of emerging technologies which have the potential to completely transform business and society. Key components include: ...
Updated on Dec 12, 2018. An error was fixed when g(x) is not equal to x, and a new section “Generalization” was added. A link to a large collections of intrig...
This article was written by Kate Crawford & Vladan Joler. Below is an extract, featuring the first three sections of this long article (21 sections total.) Link to t...