Summary: In the literal blink of an eye, image-based AI has gone from high cost, high risk projects to quick and reasonably reliable. C-level execs looking for AI tec...
Summary: The Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Science and Machine Learning Platforms is just out and once again there are big changes in the leaderboard. Some major incu...
Is innovation an artisanal feat? Can innovation be weighed, measured on a scale, and optimized like a production operation? Can the use of data analytics disrupt creativi...
This article was written by Datapred. In a previous post, we explained the concept of cross-validation for time series, aka backtesting, and why proper backtests mat...
Ensemble methods take several machine learning techniques and combine them into one predictive model. It is a two step process: Generate the Base Learners: Choose any c...
Introduction Interactive notebooks are experiencing a rise in popularity. How do we know? They’re replacing PowerPoint in presentations, shared around organizations, an...
Summary: Whether you’re a data scientist building an implementation case to present to executives or a non-data scientist leader trying to figure this out there’s a...
Machine Learning (ML) has been among the top strategies for almost every organization – whoever adopts the new methodology early and quickly establishes the corpora...
Logistic regression is regressing data to a line (i.e. finding an average of sorts) so you can fit data to a particular equation and make predictions for your data. This ...
This article, written by the Facebook research team, was written by Ben Letham, Brian Karrer, Guilherme Ottoni and Eytan Bakshy. It features some of the techniques used b...