“The first thing you need to do is get all the data in the same place”. We all remember the mantra that launched a thousand painful IT projects. The argument was that...
Please Join this latest Data Science Central podcast to learn how you can develop machine learning models from an analytics base table and move that model to the edge for...
Summary: Here’ a proposal for real ‘zero touch’, ‘set-em-and-forget-em’ machine learning from the researchers at Amazon. If you have an environment as fast ...
Introduction “The question is not whether intelligent machines can have any emotions, but whether machines can be intelligent without any emotions”. Marvin Min...
Presenting Koalas, a new open source project unveiled by Databricks, that brings the simplicity of pandas to the scalability powers of Apache Spark™. Data science with ...
Logistic regression (LR) models estimate the probability of a binary response, based on one or more predictor variables. Unlike linear regression models, the dependent v...
Nothing strikes terror into the hearts of humans more than the idea of an intelligent robot gone bad. The fear is that a robot can acquire the ability to learn and adap...
This resource is part of a series on specific topics related to data science: regression, clustering, neural networks, deep learning, decision trees, ensembles, correlati...
This resource is part of a series on specific topics related to data science: regression, clustering, neural networks, deep learning, decision trees, ensembles, correlati...
This book is intended for busy professionals working with data of any kind: engineers, BI analysts, statisticians, operations research, AI and machine learning profession...