AI is a game changer. Period. And being a data and analytics guy, I could not be more excited about it. The McKinsey research study “Notes from the AI frontier: Applica...
Performing analytics at the edge is needed in today’s distributed landscape. Edge Computing allows the flexibility of virtualized computation, network and storage resou...
Some things are best learned through real-world experience. Machine learning is no different. Getting machine learning right requires evolving your analytics platform to ...
Summary: Booz Allen just launched a one-stop shop for all manner of pretested DNN models. They’re even guaranteeing price. This makes buying just like picking acc...
This list of lists contains books, notebooks, presentations, cheat sheets, and tutorials covering all aspects of data science, machine learning, deep learning, statistics...
The internet is evolving day by day, and when users shop online, they are flooded with thousands of results, leaving them in a dilemma to choose the best possible product...
Who should read this blog: Someone who is new to linear regression. Someone who wants to understand the jargon around Linear Regression Code Repository:
Whether you are training a self-driving car, detecting animals with drones, or identifying car damage for insurance claims, the steps needed to effectively train a comput...
What is Automated Machine Learning? Quite simply, it is the means by which your business can optimize resources, encourage collaboration and rapidly and dependably distri...
The EM algorithm finds maximum-likelihood estimates for model parameters when you have incomplete data. The “E-Step” finds probabilities for the assignment o...