Guest blog post byRick Riddle It can be tempting to lump all the people who’ve spent more of their life with social media as one large group with largely the same inter...
This article has been contributed by Alain Louchez (Georgia Tech Research Institute) The Internet of Things already integrates a new phase beyond prescriptive analytics....
“Data Science(DS)” is nothing new but the term itself and the recent level of interest in it. As a practice it has commercially (not academically) existed for...
The health area is characterized by the management of huge data volumes. What if those data are processed and provided to the health professionals and their patients or, ...
Data integration requires merging date from different sources, stored using technologies. Companies build a “data warehouse where aggregated data can be stored and retr...
Data transfer – what it is? Whilst you are online, everything is about transfer of data – thus, emails and web pages are basically a file that when you read or lo...
This post is a brief review of leading Data Integration tools in the market. Heavily referencing from the Gartner 2016 report and peer reviews from my circle. The Market ...
Contributed by Rob Castellano. He is currently in the NYC Data Science Academy 12 week full time Data Science Bootcamp program taking place between April 11th to ...
How much is data driving decisions today? Alteryx recently surveyed senior business stakeholders across Europe to ask about their attitudes about data and analytics. The ...
Understanding that big data comes from such a huge pool of devices, constantly collecting new data, gives you an idea where security threats may come from. Each device th...