An explosion of Big Data is rapidly changing the IT landscape. While Big Data generates vast opportunities for new sources of revenue, customer insights and operational e...
We all are aware that data mining holds great potential for healthcare providers to use data mining and data analysis in such a way that the physicians identify effective...
Top 10 Commercial Hadoop Platforms Hadoop, the software framework which provides the necessary tools to carry out Big Data analysis, is widely used in industry and comm...
This post was written by Sean Owen. Data scientists have hundreds of probability distributions from which to choose. Where to start? Data science, whatever it may be, r...
In my previous articles on ‘What I Wanted To Know About Big Data But Was Afraid To Ask’ series, I covered ‘What is Big Data’ and ‘Who came up with Big Data a...
This article is written by Gunnar Carlsson. Topological data analysis has been very successful in discovering information in many large and complex data sets. In this pos...
Big Data has truly come of age in 2013 when Oxford English Dictionary introduced the term “Big Data” for the first time in its dictionary. That of course begs the que...
I published a post about the current status of “Data Scientist” in Japan, as a periodic follow-up analysis since two years ago. Its trend still remains, but i...
Interesting survey produced by, summarized in a few infographics, and based on LinkedIn profiles.. Summary: R (53%) and Python (53%) are the programmin...
Since releasing the University of San Francisco research paper on “How to Determine the Economic Value of Your Data” (EvD), I have had numerous conversations with sen...