Companies and enterprises are facing a daily grind, while they are also required to see to it that their customers are happy & satisfied, operations is efficient and ...
Summary: As your data lake grows larger and your user group more diverse you will need these tools that automatically catalog data and control access to your informatio...
“The problem is that, in many cases, big data is not used well. Companies are better at collecting data – about their customers, about their products, about competito...
There’s no doubt that AI has usurped big data as the enterprise technology industry’s favorite new buzzword. After all, it’s on Gartner’s 2017 Hype Cycle for emer...
Here is a guest blog by Kevin Gray . Kevin has been a marketing scientist for more than 25 years and my background covers dozens of product and service categories and ov...
I periodically use the term “data object” in my blogs. Since I do not normally blog about data objects per se, I find myself simply stating that in-depth analysis m...
“Data will talk to you if you’re willing to listen”— Jim Bergeson. Few can dispute that. However, the challenge comes when data transforms into bundles and stacks...
Drones flying in the skies to deliver packages to customers, is how technology based on data and analytics is likely to impact retail industry and consumers both – in n...
When I first heard the term Big Data few years ago, I didn’t think much of it. Soon after, Big Data started appearing in many of my conversations with many of my tech f...
We all set New Year’s Resolutions. Unfortunately, research suggests that 63% of us break them within just one month. However, if there is one New Year’s Resolution...