What if you could directly ask questions of your data? Ask Data, Tableau’s new natural language capability, allows people to get insights by simply conversing with thei...
By 2027, the big data market is estimated to grow to USD 103 billion. And by 2022, the global big data and analytics market is predicted to grow to USD 274 billion, stati...
I have used synthetic data sets many times for simulation purposes, most recently in my articles Six degrees of Separations between any two Datasets and How to Lie wit...
I have used synthetic data sets many times for simulation purposes, most recently in my articles Six degrees of Separations between any two Datasets and How to Lie with p...
Everyone’s talking data. Data is the key to unlocking insight, the secret sauce that will help you get predictive, the fuel for business intelligence. The transformativ...
The housing market has undergone quite a change in the past decade, with more stringent lending criteria for housing having been enforced. A key objective of financial in...
In addition to being the sexiest job of the twenty-first century, Data Science is new electricity as quoted by Andrew Ng. A lot of professionals from various discipline...
After posting my most recent blog using census data to illustrate handling “large” dataframes in R exploiting fst and feather file formats, I realized I c...
In the nascent field of Data Science, myths are abound. Here’s my top 10, scoured from the internet (where better than to find a myth or two?). Myth #1: It’s ...
Every organization is aiming to produce more comprehensive understanding of their customers, their business operations and their risks, through data. Most organizations a...