Data Monetization. Data Monetization. Data Monetization. Every business executive chants this mantra like its a magical incantation for driving an organizat...
Bad data is worse than no data at all. What is “good” data and where do you find it? Best practices for data analysis. There’s no such thing as perfect data, but th...
The food industry is among the largest industries in the world. Perhaps nothing serves as a better testament to its importance. The global food industry not only survived...
Big data and data analytics have become a part of our everyday lives. From online shopping to entertainment to speech recognition programs like Siri, data is being used i...
The use of Big Data as an insight-generating engine has opened up new job opportunities in the market with Data scientists being in high demand at the enterprise level ac...
How extensive must data sets be to be considered as big data? For some, a slightly larger Excel spreadsheet is “big data”. Fortunately, there are certain characterist...
There are many ways chaos is defined, each scientific field and each expert having its own definitions. We share here a few of the most common metrics used to quantify th...
Data science is booming day by day. In the market, the job place is quite saturated. There are many skills you need to become a data scientist. There is a misconception t...
Time and time again, Judea Pearl makes the point on Twitter to neural net advocates that they are trying to do a provably impossible task, to derive a model from data. I ...
One of the most valuable aspects of self-serve business intelligence is the opportunity it provides for data and analytical sharing among business users within the organi...