One question haunts every CXO: How can we make our company and products better for the customer? The answer, today, is straightforward. Data is what makes and bre...
Data governance is the process of managing the datas usability, security, availability, and integrity within an organization using internally set and enforced rules a...
The digital era calls for every business process, decision, and action to be fed with analytics. Data-spewing technological innovations have led to abundant availability ...
Fixing the terminology A robot is not expected to be either huge or humanoid, or even material (in disagreement with Wikipedia, although the latter softens the initial d...
“Data is the new water” – powering many organizations to turn on the tap for digital transformation. To enable data driven processes, it is imperative to reveal...
As COVID-19 rampages across the globe it is altering everything in its wake. For example, we are spending on essentials and not on discretionary categories; we are saving...
Data analysis is the process of evaluating data using analytical and statistical tools to discover useful information and help you make business decisions. There are seve...
Data mesh is an architectural paradigm that unveils analytical data at scale, rapidly releasing access to an increasing number of distributed domain data sets for a proli...
Source: here If you are wondering how much a data scientist earns, whether you are a hiring manager or looking for a job, there are plenty of websites providing rather de...