This is the continuation of my mini-series on sentiment analysis of movie reviews, which originally appeared on Last time, we had a look at...
This is part of a new series of articles: once or twice a month, we post previous articles that were very popular when first published. These articles are at least 6 mont...
Recently, in a previous post, we reviewed a path to leverage legacy Excel data and import CSV files thru MySQL into Spark 2.0.1. This may apply frequently in businesses ...
Many people new to data science might believe that this field is just about R, Python, Hadoop, SQL, and traditional machine learning techniques or statistical modeling. B...
Summary: Continuing from out last article, we searched the web to find all of the most common myths and misconceptions about Big Data. There were a lot more than we t...
The books listed at the top are more recent and show the evolution (one might say the come back) of data science towards deep learning and AI. The books in the other half...
This is part of a new series of articles: once or twice a month, we post previous articles that were very popular when first published. These articles are at least 6 mont...
Update Sep. 2016: A model with less than a third of the error can be found here. KIC 8462852 is a star that has been getting a fair amount of attention. It occasionally�...
Guest blog post by Robert J. Abate. In the past, I have published on the value of information, big data, advanced analytics and the Abate Information Triangle and have r...