Guest blog post by Jeffrey Strickland. Originally posted here. This article is not about smoothing ore into gems though your may find a few gems herein. Systematic Patt...
Guest blog post by Florian Douetteau. Originally posted here. The original title is “Will Balkanization of Data Science lead to one Empire or many Republics?”...
Summary: Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is the long sought after ‘brain’ that brings together all the branches of AI into a general purpose platform that can p...
Andrej Karpathy’s post “The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks” made splashes last year. The basic premise is that you can create a recurrent n...
This article was written by Bernard Marr. Almost everyone can agree that big data has taken the business world by storm, but what’s next? Will data continue to grow...
The definition of real-time marketing is evolving. The buzz around Big Data and the age of the “multi-channel, empowered consumer” has made marketers believe that a r...
Apart from fighting web spam, credit card fraud and many more curious applications, machine learning is being widely used in the field of art to generate stuff. We collec...
You cannot argue that the marketing landscape has changed drastically over the years – gone are the days of throwing different strategies on the wall to see which o...
This article was written by Sunil Ray. Sunil is a Business Analytics and Intelligence professional with deep experience in the Indian Insurance industry. Introduction ...
Model evaluation metrics are used to assess goodness of fit between model and data, to compare different models, in the context of model selection, and to predict how pre...