According to Wikipedia, deep learning (deep structured learning, hierarchical learning or deep machine learning) is a branch of machine learning based on a set of algorit...
An image is a concept. It is a mental picture that we have about things such as an object, a person, a group, an organization, or a nation. It is our notion or belief abo...
Today I want to write about two trends and how the collision of those trends is changing the world we live in. The first trend is the internet of everything. Right now, w...
This article was written by Stephanie Kim. Stephanie has a professional experience with data mining and processing including natural language processing along with a sma...
Here is our selection of articles and resources featured today. Enjoy the reading! How We Combined Different Methods to Create Advanced Time Series Prediction Today, busi...
Introduction There’s a lot of buzzword around the term “Sentiment Analysis” and the various ways of doing it. Great! So you report with reasonable accuracies what t...
Introduction There’s a lot of buzzword around the term “Sentiment Analysis” and the various ways of doing it. Great! So you report with reasonable accuracies what t...
Summary: If Deep Learning is powered by 2nd generation neural nets. What will the 3rd generation look like? What new capabilities does that imply and when will it g...
Contributed by Rob Castellano. He is currently in the NYC Data Science Academy 12 week full time Data Science Bootcamp program taking place between April 11th to ...
I recently did an analysis on what factors help increase data science salaries. Here is some of what I learned helps increase your data science salary: 1) Learning clou...