In recent blogs, I wrote about using codified narrative as a form of data. I also discussed using attribution models to systematically evaluate codified narrative for ont...
Guest blog post by Christopher Dole and other contributors, originally posted here. Created by SoothSayerAnalytics. Deep Learning is one of the most revolutionary an...
Big data and its conjoined twin analytics are the business buzzwords of the decade to be sure — and for good reason. Because of advances in technology and computing, we...
Guest blog post by Kumar Chinnakali A Data Lake has flexible definition, to make this statement true the dataottam team took initiative and released a eBook called �...
Oh, the poor, maligned pie chart. The chart type that gets pushed around and bullied on the data-viz playground more than any other. Randal Olsen of /r/dataisbeautiful ra...
Previous Relevant Posts Single regression with R to identify relationship between WTI and s… Getting stock volatility in R & Getting Histogram of returns What i...
Summary: What do you need to do to get an entry level job in data science? This article is written for anyone who is considering becoming a data scientist. That inclu...
Guest blog by Sebastian Raschka, originally posted here. If we tackle a supervised learning problem, my advice is to start with the simplest hypothesis space first. I....
Guest blog post by Martijn Theuwissen, co-founder at DataCamp. Other R resources can be found here, and R Source code for various problems can be found here. A data sc...
The use and value of torture or enhanced interrogation techniques on captured enemy combatant is a much debated topic in the US political and media circles. The arguments...