This article was written by Tomasz Malisiewicz. You might go to a cutting-edge machine learning research conference like NIPS hoping to find some mathematical insight th...
This is part of a new series of articles: once or twice a month, we post previous articles that were very popular when first published. These articles are at least 6 mont...
Managing your relationships with customers, suppliers, and partners and constantly improving their experience is a proven way to build a sustainable and profitable busine...
This resource is part of a series on specific topics related to data science: regression, clustering, neural networks, deep learning, Hadoop, decision trees, ensembles, c...
Machine Learning is all about creating an artificial brain to perform a task by itself. In most cases that task is Prediction. How to create a brain which can do predicti...
Big Data can be intimidating! If you are new to Big Data, please read ‘What is Big Data’, ‘Who coined Big Data’, ‘Big Data … So what’ to get you started. Wi...
This is part of a new series of articles: once or twice a month, we post previous articles that were very popular when first published. These articles are at least 6 mont...
Summary: A great story about an AI-powered massive on-line open learning platform focused on STEM education. The platform and its content is to be available across ma...
This post is the second part of the multi-part series on how to build a search engine – How to build a search engine – Part 1: Installing the tools and getting...
It’s time again to share your predictions for 2017. I did my homework and came with these 10 predictions. I invite you to post your predictions in the comment secti...