This chart comes from Reddit. Since many data scientists occasionnally have to make a presentation at a conference (or when presenting their doctoral thesis), I thought y...
This article was written by Louis Columbus. Louis is currently serving as Director, Global Cloud Product Management at Ingram Cloud. Customer Analytics (48%), Operationa...
Here I discuss breaking encryption keys that rely on the product of two very large prime numbers. In other words, the interest here is to factor a number (representing a ...
What exactly is “IoT”? Internet of Things, yes; but what does that mean? Internet of Things is a structural definition; it says there are “Things” such as sensors...
Last year I started developing a Face Recognition model. I started with static pictures and using Wolfram Mathematica. This year I found out we can do the same job using ...
At first there were a lot of different opinions, but now, almost everybody agrees that big data was able to take over the whole business world. A lot of businesses are re...
Response Modeling Using Machine Learning Techniques with R-Programming (WIP). I have tried to exhibit credit scoring case studies with German Credit Data. This article in...
In the previous post of our Understanding machine learning series, we presented how machines learn through multiple experiences. We also explained how, in some cases, hu...
It is easy to take for granted the technology we have at our disposal. We flick a switch and the lights go on, we turn on the tap and clean water comes out. We don’t ha...
Probably like most people, I tend to recognize data as a stream of values. Notice that I use the term values rather than numbers although in practice I guess that values ...