Data isn’t your business.It’s just by-product of doing business.I know you want to get rid of those redundant data which suck up a lot of storage space.From y...
Analytics and Big Datahave disrupted many industries, and now they are on the edge of scoring major points in sports. Over the past few years, the world of sports has exp...
The last few years have seen an explosion of digital mapping on the web, but for some reason the cartogram has been largely left out. And it’s too bad because in ma...
I have been writing about the Crosswave Differential Algorithm for a number of years. I described in previous blogs how the algorithm emerged almost by accident while I w...
Contributed by David Richard Steinmetz. He enrolled in the NYC Data Science Academy 12-week full time Data Science Bootcamp program taking place between July 5th to Sept...
Big Data has truly come of age in 2013 when Oxford English Dictionary introduced the term “Big Data” for the first time in its dictionary. That of course begs the que...
I published a post about the current status of “Data Scientist” in Japan, as a periodic follow-up analysis since two years ago. Its trend still remains, but i...
You would think that I am going to talk about new levels of sophistication achieved by cybercriminals. No, here I discuss a different trend: Outright credit card fraud co...
Interesting survey produced by, summarized in a few infographics, and based on LinkedIn profiles.. Summary: R (53%) and Python (53%) are the programmin...
Published in 2013, but still very interesting, and different from most data science books. Authors: Ian Langmore and Daniel Krasner.. This book focuses more on the stat...