Overview In the customer management lifecycle, customer churn refers to a decision made by the customer about ending the business relationship. It is also referred as los...
I developed R and Python cheatsheets last year. The advanced R version is posted on RStudio Inc. website. Below links you can find these cheatsheets: For original artic...
“If (there) was one thing all people took for granted, (it) was conviction that if you feed honest figures into a computer, honest figures (will) come out. Never doubte...
Summary: As a profession we do a pretty poor job of agreeing on good naming conventions for really important parts of our professional lives. “Machine Learning” i...
In a previous blog post we have seen how to build Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) in Tensorflow, by building various CNN architectures (like LeNet5, AlexNet, VGGNet...
For my graduate paper, I studied perceptions of workplace stress through the critical lens of social disablement. Writing this paper was certainly an intellectual exerc...
A strong declaration from a historically antagonist foe should put chills in the hearts of Americans preparing themselves for the world ahead: Russian President Vladimir ...
Abstract – As I mentioned in my earlier blog post “Machine Learning in FinTech – Demystified” you will realise today in payments machine learning is one ...
In 2006, marketing commentator Michael Palmer had blogged, “Data is just like crude. It’s valuable, but if unrefined it cannot really be used.” After nine years, th...
Section 3 was added on October 11. Section 4 was added on October 19. A $2,000 award is offered to solve any of the open questions, click here for details. This is an...