Contributed by David Letzler. Introduction: A Brief History and Description of the Common Core In 2009 the National Governors’ Association and the Council of Chief St...
Any time series classification or regression forecasting involves the Y prediction at ‘t+n’ given the X and Y information available till time T. Obviously no ...
Poor data governance often leads to a failed data state. Too many times companies, and even silos within a company, ignore the importance of data governance. Such neglect...
Blockchain is a form of technology that had over $1 billion invested in it in 2016 alone. While this technology is far from new, it is one that grew in popularity thanks ...
Consumer Packaged companies (CPG) are grappling with a lot of challenges owing to economic uncertainty, price consciousness, changing demographics, rise of discounters co...
If you are considering a Business Intelligence solution, you ought to give some consideration to the concept of Smart Data Visualization and review your prospective so...
Artificial Intelligence: Look Ma, No Hands! To Begin With The End.. I am having a hard time making a machine suffer. It being an egoless version of me. Strengthening lea...
A while back, I was reading an article posted on Facebook, about Clovis people found alive and well living in Florida, with a picture featuring tribesmen (see below.) Th...
This article was posted by Bob E. Hayes on Customer think. Bob, PhD is Chief Research Officer at Appuri. He a scientist, blogger and author on CEM and data science. Dat...
Summary: We are swept up by the rapid advances in AI and deep learning, and tend to laugh off AI’s failures as good fodder for YouTube videos. But those failures ar...