Today we are into digital age, every business is using big data and machine learning to effectively target users with messaging in a language they really understand and p...
This article comes from Algobeans Layman tutorials in analytics. Whenever you spot a trend plotted against time, you would be looking at a time series. The de facto ch...
We added one new cheat sheet to our list of data science cheat sheets: Deep Learning Cheat Sheet (using Python Libraries) Previous entries include: PySpark Cheat Sheet: S...
Let’s understand ledgers which form the basis of blockchain implementation. A ledger is a document which records summarized financial information as debits and credits,...
This cheat sheet was produced by DataCamp, and it is based on the Keras library..Keras is an easy-to-use and powerful library for Theano and TensorFlow that provides a h...
In the 1990s, there was a popular book called Re-engineering the Corporation. Looking back now, Re-engineering certainly has had a mixed success – but it did have an im...
By Hui Li, Principal Staff Scientist, Data Science, at SAS. A typical question asked by a beginner, when facing a wide variety of machine learning algorithms, is “which...
Want to get started on data science? Our promise: no math added. This book has been written in layman’s terms as a gentle introduction to data science and its algorithm...
Guest blog by Ashwin Rao. Ashwin is Vice President, Data Science & Optimization at Target. The tech industry has gone berserk – everyone wants to develop “sk...