In this article, Data Scientist Pramit Choudhary provides an introduction to both statistical and machine learning-based approaches to anomaly detection in Python. Introd...
Imagine a world where your car not only drives itself, but also says intelligent things like these: A hotel is just around the corner and you have been driving for eight ...
This Python cheat sheet was produced by DataCamp. Click on the image to zoom in. The original, published here, is available as a PDF document. The translation from PDF to...
AWS outage – when the ‘technical debt’ bill comes due Most press coverage of AWS’s recent outage has explained the event as having been caused by a “typo” ...
This infographic comes from TechEmergence. TechEmergence is a market research firm specializing in the applications and implications of artificial intelligence/machine ...
Multicollinearity (Collinearity) is not a new term especially when dealing with multiple regression models. This phenomenon of relationship in between one response variab...
This is a curated list of the most cited deep learning papers (since 2012) posted by Terry Taewoong Um. Source for picture: What is deep learning and how does it work? ...
I recently read an MIT Sloan Management Review article by Clayton Christensen’s recent book titled “The Hard Truth About Business Model Innovations.” While the art...
Today’s customers are socially driven and more value conscious than they were ever before. Believe it or not, everyday customer interactions create a whopping 2.5 exaby...
It’s a complete tutorial on data wrangling or manipulation with R. This tutorial covers one of the most powerful R package for data wrangling i.e. dplyr. This packa...