Let’s face it – cleaning data is a waste of time. If only the data had been collected and entered carefully in the first place, you wouldn’t be faced with days of d...
There are many great tutorials on neural networks that one can find online nowadays. Simply searching for the words “Neural Network” will produce numerous results on...
Summary: For those of you traditional data scientist who are interested in AI but still haven’t given it a deep dive, here’s a high level overview of the data scien...
Jupyter notebook content for my OReilly book, the Python Data Science Handbook. This repository contains the full listing of IPython notebooks used to create the book, i...
I find myself habitually using the term “metrics.” When I first started blogging, I normally used this term only in reference to performance metrics. These ar...
Learn how big data and other sources of information can be transformed into valuable knowledge – knowledge that can create incredible competitive advantage to prope...
The digital universe is expanding. Not just the data collected, but also the devices that generate that data. It is estimated there will be over 20x connected devices per...
Few months ago, I wrote an article about the influencers in big data. The article resonated with many and almost all appreciated it. But that’s not the point. Soon afte...
This paper was written by Bojan Ploj. Bojan is interested in machine learning, specialy in MLP learning algorithms. Abstract During the last twenty years, gradient-bas...
Sometimes I write a blog just to formulate and organize a point of view, and I think it’s time that I pull together the bounty of excellent information about Machine Le...