Here I discuss four interesting mathematical problems (mostly involving famous unsolved conjectures) of considerable interest, and that even high school kids can understa...
The evolution of modern technology in the past 10 years is astounding: our mobile phones are becoming smarter by the second, our online behavior is revealing more about h...
This is our first post of a new series featuring articles published long ago. We manually selected articles that were most popular or overlooked, time-insensitive (for in...
Updated and upgraded to the latest libraries and most modern thinking, Machine Learning with R, Second Edition provides you with a rigorous introduction to this essential...
Summary: Just where are we in the Age of AI, where are we going, and what happens when we get there? When things are changing fast, sometimes it’s necessary to take a...
Big Data Analytics is entirely transforming business paradigms. Automated databases are enabling businesses to perform mundane tasks more efficiently. And, the commercial...
In this article was written by Michael Grogan. Michael is a data scientist and statistician, with a profound passion for statistics and programming. In a previous tutor...
We have published various “one picture” articles about data science topics. Our readers find them very useful, as they convey the same amount of information i...
About a month ago in a blog, I introduced what I described as a “spectral attenuation monitor.” At the time I only had an image from MS Works that used simulated da...
I have seen the future! Of course, I seem to say that every other month (maybe that’s because the future keeps changing?), but this is a good one. The future is a colli...