The development of Big Data, artificial intelligence and predictive analytics has created extravagant expectations for enterprise productivity growth — and aroused popu...
It’s hard to get into the world of the Internet of Things (IOT) without eventually talking about Digital Twins. I was first exposed to the concept of Digital Twins when...
This article was written by Koustubh. Unless you have been living under the rock, you must have heard of the revolution that deep learning and convolutional neural netw...
If you’re a regular visitor to our website you’ll know that every month we scour the internet seeking out free eBooks to help you on your educational journey....
Great Saturday reading: our selection of articles and resources featured today: Learn Python in 3 days : Step by Step Guide Creating Your First Machine Learning Classif...
Many organizations are associating data monetization with selling their data. But selling data is not a trivial task, especially for organizations whose primary business ...
Overview Nowadays, there are numerous risks related to bank loans both for the banks and the borrowers getting the loans. The risk analysis about bank loans needs underst...
Overview Call Detail Record (CDR) is the information captured by the telecom companies during Call, SMS, and Internet activity of a customer. This information provides gr...
This article was written by Hardik Gohil, Sr Content Writer. Artificial Intelligence has effectively convinced its necessity to the entire world by performing excellen...