[Photo credit: Pexels] Think back to the last time you texted a chatbot. Whether it was a concierge, a customer support assistant, or an AI virtual recruiter, chances are...
Optimized Promotion Placement The promotions page on any website during an offer period, may it be Thanksgiving, Cyber Monday or even Ester has tons of products scattered...
Introduction Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is an approach/philosophy for data analysis that employs a variety of techniques (graphical and quantitative) to better under...
Background Robotics today is not the same as assembly line Robots of the industrial age because AI is impacting many areas of Robotics. Specifically, AI is changing Ro...
I have been working with San Diego Water quality data project: https://www.sandiegodata.org/2018/04/summer-water-quality-data-proj… Here are data sets: https://data...
This article was written by Rahul Saxena. The decision tree classifier is a supervised learning algorithm which can use for both the classification and regression task...
In this article we discuss popularity of various software programs used for data analysis which are mentioned in various reviews published online in the period between 20...
On the surface, preventing injuries to professional-caliber athletes would seem to have little in common with preventing operational failures for a machine (i.e., autonom...
In a world where data really matters, everyone wants to create effective charts. But data visualization is rarely taught in schools, or covered in on-the-job training. Mo...
Imagine there are two girls standing in front of you – The first girl is cute, beautiful, interesting and has the smile that any guy would die for. And the other girl i...