Premise: How will the traditional car industry create and extract customer value in the future when the source of that value is no longer the vehicle itself? An increasin...
Hello All, Gives me immense pleasure to announce the release of our book “Practical Enterprise Data Lake Insights” with Apress. The book takes an end-to-end solution...
To be actionable, Big Data and Data Science must get down to the level of the individual – whether the individual is a customer, physician, patient, teacher, studen...
In an attempt to put the patient first in healthcare, Congress and President Obama in 2015 approved a bipartisan bill for United States healthcare reform. The bill is kn...
The purpose of a variance-covariance matrix is to illustrate the variance of a particular variable (diagonals) while covariance illustrates the covariances between the ex...
Understanding what cryptocurrency is, is not difficult at all. In fact, the definition of cryptocurrency is “a digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography fo...
Bill is the Editorial Director for Data Science Central, and President and Chief Data Scientist at Data-Magnum, providing predictive analytics and big data infrastructur...
Why is it so hard to change, especially from a business perspective? Why is it so hard to understand that new technology capabilities can enable new technology approache...
Data science is a promising and exciting field, developing rapidly. The area of data science use cases and influence is continuously expanding, and the toolkit to impleme...
I had the opportunity in 2017 to give a 10-minute keynote at DataWorks Summit 2017. I know what most of you are thinking: Schmarzo can barely introduce himself in 10 mi...