Outliers is one of those issues we come across almost every day in a machine learning modelling. Wikipedia defines outliers as “an observation point that is distant fro...
P – Value In this blog we will discuss the important functionality of p – value in statistical experiments. Why p – value is the deciding factor for accepting or re...
Myth #1: You can only do research in an academic setting. Not true. There are plenty of research labs owned by big and small companies and organizations, including govern...
Sales prediction is an important part of modern business intelligence. First approaches one can apply to predict sales time series are such conventional methods of fore...
Myth #1: You can only do research in an academic setting. Not true. There are plenty of research labs owned by big and small companies and organizations, including govern...
Data Scientists 4.0 The 4th Industrial Revolution was publicly announced in 2011 at the Hannover Fair (1). Since then, many resources have been appeared around the so cal...
Although cognitive computing, which is many a times referred to as AI or Artificial Intelligence, is not a new concept, the hype surrounding it and the level of interest ...
Quite recently we’ve built event analytics for our team and thought to share this experience with you in this post . Many of “out-of-the-box” analytics solutions c...
I have completed the following through courses at coursera: R-Programming, Getting and cleaning data – John Hopkins University Introduction to SQL – University of Mic...
Summary: Now that we’ve detailed the four main AI-first strategies: Data Dominance, Vertical, Horizontal, and Systems of Intelligence, it’s time to pick. Here we ...