Recently Kaggle master Kazanova along with some of his friends released a “How to win a data science competition” Coursera course. The Course involved a final...
The drafts of the two final chapters of The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book are now online. They consider metric learning, learning to rank, learning to recommend (inc...
Introduction In this post, I explain the maths of Deep Learning in a simplified manner. To keep the explanation simple, we cover the workings of the MLP mode (Multilaye...
To play with this interactive tool, visit this page. For other visualization resources, click here. DSC Resources Book and Resources for DSC Members Comprehensive Reposit...
Author: Partha Deka and Rohit Mittal 1. Introduction Automation in Industrial manufacturing: Today’s increased level of automation in manufacturing also demands autom...
Gartner recently published a report titled “CIO Agenda 2019: Exploit Transformational Technologies” that states the following: “Whether it’s AI, quantum computin...
The idea of the BlockChain is regularly made reference to along the point of digital money, in spite of the fact that it can locate a lot more extensive application. Why?...
Unemployment rates are at a record low and the economy is at boom. Companies worldwide are facing a shortage though; they need skilled professionals. To narrow it down, t...
This article was written by Jim Frost. Here we present a summary, with link to the original article. Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) is the most common estimation method fo...
In this 5 Minute Analysis we’ll preprocess, join, and explore disjoint sales data for retail locations. Then we’ll dive into the relation between store type, fu...