Machine Learning is changing the ways industries do business – Healthcare, Manufacturing, Retail and Food and Beverage will never be the same again. Banking and Fin...
devices are going to number around 75.44 billion by 2025. The increase in IoT based technology and development support has influenced many fields to start implementing Io...
Hello Everyone, I’ve just recently joined this site. Firstly, I would like to share with you all a free and open-sourced tool that I have published on f...
“It is hard to teach an old dog new tricks. They’ve only been in business for 155 years.” – Anonymous The Pullman Co (1867), Allied Corp (1920), Heinz (1869), ...
“Speak Quantum Friend and Enter” . Today, I uploaded to github my new software library called Entanglish (open source, under BSD license). Entanglish is a Pyt...
By Soroush Nasiriany, Garrett Thomas, William Wang, Alex Yang. Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California, Berkeley. Dated June ...
Summary: 99% of our application of NLP has to do with chatbots or translation. This is a very interesting story about expanding the bounds of NLP and feature creation...
Welcome to Data Science Central’s three-part Podcast Series sponsored by SAS, entitled, “Addressing Key Challenges to Applying AI in Practice.” In this ...
Below are some extracts from an interesting Quora discussion on this topic. Quotes: The gradient descent way: You look around your feet and no farther than a few meters f...
My app Qubiter has a folder full of Jupyter notebooks (27 of them, in fact). Opening a notebook takes a short while, which is slightly annoying. I wanted to give Qubiter ...